Shoaib Ebadi, Executive Director at Square One, grew up as a Muslim in Afghanistan. Nothing from his religious or educational teaching could provide a trustworthy answer to the question that bothered him most: “How did the world begin?”
Says Shoaib, “Then I started to read the Bible and my question was answered in the very first verse: ‘In the beginning, God…!’ When I believed that statement, I began the faith journey that led to accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.”
Atheists say you can’t believe in God and science both: you have to choose one or the other.
They say the world exists just fine without God, and that science tells us all we need to know about where we came from and where we are going.
In reality, without God, science wouldn’t exist.
Garri Sergienko and Albina Nikitina produce our Russian children’s program, Ella’s Backyard Vlog. They teach kids that God created the universe and is the greatest scientist the world has ever known! And they teach kids that this Creator God loves them so much.
“We choose topics to get our audience intrigued and interested,” explains Garri. “And science is very popular with Russians.” Topics based on outer space, archeology, DNA and biology are all appropriate because they are supported by science.
As many as 30% of their young viewers identify as atheists. Some of them leave aggressive comments, trying to prove they are right and faith in God is wrong. One viewer wrote, “If the Bible is the only source that confirms the existence of Jesus, then a comic book confirms that Superman is as real as Jesus!” – Gooselike Crane.
In response, Garri and Albina produced an episode about four historic writers from the Roman Empire Era – none of them Christians – who mentioned that Jesus really existed. Gooselike Crane did not respond. But others did.
Dasha wrote, “Unbelievable! Two puppets just proved the existence of Jesus!”
In Ella’s Backyard Vlog, Ella introduces the topics and teaches the lesson. Whenever a question comes up, her Smart Assistant, “Phil”, immediately gives the answer.
“Phil finds information in the Bible and on the internet to show kids that the Bible is trustworthy, fun and interesting,” explains Garri. “That science doesn’t oppose the Bible, but actually confirms it.”
Once kids believe that, they are one step closer to having a relationship with Jesus. That’s the goal of Ella’s Backyard Vlog: one step, one episode, one internet conversation at a time.
Can you make a generous donation to help? Your gift of $70, $140, $700, or whatever the Lord leads you to give, means that Russian-speaking kids all over the world will be drawn to start a relationship with the Creator of the universe who loves them so much.
Step by step, the Ella’s Backyard team are bringing kids to faith in God. Step by step, you can join them.