Sherryl is starting to record Season 2 of her podcast, A Skoop of Life, for release in 2021. Themes for next year include “childhood memories”, “love stories of all kinds”, “jobs I have had”, and “Gardening 101”. As in Season 1, Sherryl will feature the music of local and Canadian artists.
Sherryl comments that the special edition podcast called “Joy Stories” has been the #1 listened to podcast during this time of COVID-19.
“I find it interesting how people have gravitated to that episode," she says, "and I think it speaks to the need for us to be grateful for the simple joys in life.”
One listener from the U.S.A. commented that A Skoop of Life is an inspiring podcast that God used in her life during a recent time of trial. Another listener has been emailing with Sherryl and exploring what a faith journey with God might look like.
Sherryl is excited about the way her audience keeps growing. With listeners from as far afield as Argentina, New Zealand, and Ireland, A Skoop of Life is truly going out into all the world!
Listen to the A Skoop of Life podcast here.