By Ingrid Koss
The first season of Madrasat Al-qeyadeh (School of Leadership) began airing in North Africa on The Kingdom SAT in October. Other channels in the region, Alkarma (“The Vine”) TV and Sat 7-Arabic, have also contracted to air the program.
More than 440 million people in North Africa, the Middle East, and the Gulf speak Arabic as their mother tongue, making Arabic the 5th most-spoken language in the world. It is also the official language of 22 countries. In some of those countries, Christians are often afraid to speak publicly. Churches meet in secret. And Bible training and Christian resources are almost non-existent.
Pastor Ibrahim and his wife Phebe were both born in the Middle East and they understand the challenges Christians face as minorities in a non-Christian culture. They also understand the longing new believers feel to grow in their relationship with Jesus, and the desperate need for leadership training if the Gospel is to be preached.
“When we first came to Canada, we didn’t know why God sent us to Winnipeg. But now we see the partnership with Square One as part of God’s plan. We believe God sent us here to do media.”
School of Leadership is a video series about discipleship and leadership training. For Christians who are afraid to go to church, or have no church to go to, this program teaches solid biblical principles in an accessible language and format.
Phebe grew up in a country where the government blocked foreign ideas and kept the people isolated. Then satellite entered the country and the government couldn’t stop people from hearing about the outside world.
“As soon as satellite came in, it just caught fire. No longer were the people isolated. As Christians, we can use this same tool to tell people about Jesus.”
Ibrahim is the speaker on School of Leadership, while Phebe accompanies his teaching with PowerPoint slides. The 26 episodes of Season 1 teach the foundations of Christian leadership. Principles like character, integrity, authenticity – these are for all leaders, whether in the church, in business, or elsewhere.
Almost all of Season 2 has been filmed and is in post-production. These episodes focus on knowledge and skills. And Season 3, to be produced in 2023, will focus on experience. Actual pastors in the field will share what they’ve learned to encourage and advise pastors and other leaders who are just starting out.
Ibrahim and Phebe know their program has great potential to teach many in-country leaders to reach Arabic-speaking people for Christ. They echo the words of Romans 10:14. “How, then, … can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?”