The production team at Square One prepares the cameras, set, and sound in the film studio for another recording session — a typical day inside the Riverton Avenue building.
Ben and Lisa Wall sit at the round table with mics in front of them. They both look at their notes printed on three sheets of paper. They set them down on the table and look at each other, waiting for the signal to start.
A voice comes in from an intercom placed in the studio.
“Ready in five, four, three, two,” says Rein Cabalquinto, Video Production and Communications Assistant at Square One.
The camera points to Ben. He starts to welcome viewers to their new Low German series, De Stemm fa Hopninj — the title translates to Voice of Hope.
Voice of Hope is a new Square One partner project with Ben and Lisa.
This 15 to 20-minute video podcast series features wholesome and practical content about family, marriage, and everyday life from a Christian perspective.
“We find that there are a lot of spiritual teachings coming up, [but] there is not enough teaching on the everyday practical things for this culture,” says Ben. “And we feel called by God to fill that void.”
The series aims to reach Low German-speaking Mennonites living in remote areas of Mexico, Paraguay, Bolivia, Argentina, Peru, Belize, Canada, and the USA.
Ben says this podcast series was a dream project for 10 years until Square One helped them to make it a reality.
“We got invited by Gladys Rempel as guests on her program and got to know the staff of Square One, and started talking about a program with them,” says Ben. “They were great at directing us to bring the set and podcast to life.”
The first episode of Voice of Hope premiered on January 3, 2025. Four episodes are now available to watch on YouTube.