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Jacob Funk records his last radio program

LOW GERMAN RADIO - Jacob Funk became the director of the German radio ministry in 1995 after Gerhard Friesen resigned. Joined in 2004 by his wife Helen, the Funks produced a wide variety of recorded and print materials. With sound engineer Dan Klaue, they recorded the Low German New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs onto portable, solar powered Gospel Players.

Their material opened doors for them to preach and teach throughout the Americas, as well as in Germany and Siberia.

Jacob’s guiding principle has always been to use his God-given gifts to the max. Radio gave him access to an audience of 100s of thousands. “It was not about being big,” he says, “but about reaching the most people possible with the Gospel Message.”

The Funks retired in 2013, but Jacob continued producing weekly radio programs of “Light of the Gospel” and directing the Low German ministry. Jacob retired again at the end of 2019. And this time he means it!

During his time with Square One, Jacob recorded 2,600 half-hour programs and 1,400 15-minute programs. The programs will continue to be available as resources online, and for radio stations to broadcast.

Join with us in praising God for a lifetime of effectively sharing the Gospel message.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the many radio programs you produced over the years. Many people in our radio audience listen to your program, “Light of the Gospel” very faithfully. The broadcasts have produced many blessings here in Paraguay.

—Egon Duerksen, Program Director of Radio ZP-30 in Paraguay, sent this letter in response to the news.


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