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Ella’s Backyard: Proven Over Time

Several teenagers recently commented about how much the Ella’s Backyard videos meant to them when they were kids.

Mushtari writes, “Ella’s Backyard was my favourite show when I was a kid. But my older brothers always tried to switch the channel because we only had one TV. Keep doing the new programs to be a blessing for kids, as you once were for me”

How encouraging to hear from these young people, even after all this time. It helps us realize that there are many kids who are being blessed by Ella’s Backyard right now … but we may not hear from them for years.

With over 3 million total views on YouTube since the channel opened in 2015, the Ella’s Backyard videos are watched by children in 90 countries, with the most popular being Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine.

The latest series on the channel is Ella’s Backyard Vlog where Ella video calls with her friends and – with help from her smart assistant Phil – talks about things like the power of words, music, DNA, and space. Because kids from the former Soviet Union are taught to choose science over faith, Ella incorporates wisdom from the Bible to show that science actually points to a Creator.

Some viewers are immediately drawn to learn more about Jesus. Others, like 18-year-old Roman, need a longer time before they’re willing to believe that God’s love for them is real. He writes:

"I’m so sorry for the rude comments I wrote you 2 years ago. At that time, I was young and stupid.; I was a stubborn atheist and I practiced the occult. Half a year ago, God radically changed my worldview. Now I love studying the Bible and learning more about Jesus! I share my faith with friends, and several of them have repented as well! Thank you for bringing the Good News! Don’t give up!"

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Irsa Tufail
Irsa Tufail
29. Sept. 2024

What a heartwarming reflection on the impact of Ella’s Backyard! It's incredible to see how the show continues to inspire and bless children around the world, even years later. The stories from viewers like Mush Tari and Roman highlight the lasting influence of positivity and faith. Keep up the amazing work, Ella!

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