Host Sherryl Koop shares personal stories and inspiration from Scripture on A Skoop of Life, the podcast that started out as a local weekly radio program and is now in its 2nd season online. The audience has grown steadily since the program first aired in 2019.
The first listeners were mostly from Manitoba. Once A Skoop of Life became a podcast on SoundCloud, listeners began tuning in from every region of the world. And from all walks of life, including an 8-year-old girl and her mother, an old biker, a horror and fantasy novelist, an Olympic medalist from Germany, and an anime artist from Brazil.
Sherryl shares about a few of the audience members who have contacted her recently:
A listener in her 30's asks about navigating life as a single, Christian woman.
A cancer patient from the Maritimes is comforted by the podcasts during her rounds of chemo.
An 18-year-old comments that the podcasts encourage his faith and give him an idea of how adventurous and exciting following Jesus Christ can be.
We can never know all of the impact our media has as it goes out into the world. Listeners may be intrigued to learn more about God; a Scripture may linger long after the volume is off; a comment or a story may address a situation that seemed hopeless. As Isaiah 55:11 says,
“It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.”
A Skoop of Life can be heard on SoundCloud, iTunes, and Spotify. Listen here.

Technical producer Eli Melsness records an episode of A Skoop of Life with host Sherryl Koop.